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Migration Guide From 4.5 to 4.6

  1. API: /Positioning/PropertySummaries

    • In 4.6, this API has modified the VisitSegment object to include a list of DwellPoints and DwellZones
    • DwellPoints will be detected when the user was moving very slowly or no steps were detected for more than 5 minutes. Each DwellPoints has the following form: [Longitude, Latitude, Start_Unix_sec, Duration_sec]
    • DwellZones are obtained by clustering the continuous DwellPoints into zones. Each DwellZones has the following form: [Longitude, Latitude, Radius_m, Start_Unix_sec, Duration_sec, FloorId]
  2. API: /Positioning/MapData

    • In 4.6, the format of the MapData API response has changed
    • We now return a .zip file for the given property
    • Within the .zip file are two sub-folders
    • BuildingLevel - Collection of building data
    • PropertyLevel - Collection of property data
    • The PropertyLevel contains geojson files for the basic property information, as well as the entities on the property level
    • Each BuildingLevel contains geojson files for the basic building information, as well as the entities on each floor level
  3. CSV APIs: /CSV/Users, /CSV/Trajectories, /CSV/Transitions, /CSV/DwellZones

    • In 4.6, we have added a CSV form of the DwellZones data
    • All of these CSV APIs now accept an optional input userUIDs, a comma-separated list (no space). CSV APIs will return data only related to input userUIDs. If no userUIDs input, then these CSV APIs will remain return all data.