
public enum AFError : Error
extension AFError: LocalizedError

AFError is the error type returned by Alamofire. It encompasses a few different types of errors, each with their own associated reasons.

  • invalidURL: Returned when a URLConvertible type fails to create a valid URL.
  • parameterEncodingFailed: Returned when a parameter encoding object throws an error during the encoding process.
  • multipartEncodingFailed: Returned when some step in the multipart encoding process fails.
  • responseValidationFailed: Returned when a validate() call fails.
  • responseSerializationFailed: Returned when a response serializer encounters an error in the serialization process.
  • The underlying reason the parameter encoding error occurred.

    • missingURL: The URL request did not have a URL to encode.
    • jsonEncodingFailed: JSON serialization failed with an underlying system error during the encoding process.
    • propertyListEncodingFailed: Property list serialization failed with an underlying system error during encoding process.
    See more



    public enum ParameterEncodingFailureReason
  • The underlying reason the multipart encoding error occurred.

    • bodyPartURLInvalid: The fileURL provided for reading an encodable body part isn’t a file URL.
    • bodyPartFilenameInvalid: The filename of the fileURL provided has either an empty lastPathComponent or `pathExtension.
    • bodyPartFileNotReachable: The file at the fileURL provided was not reachable.
    • bodyPartFileNotReachableWithError: Attempting to check the reachability of the fileURL provided threw an error.
    • bodyPartFileIsDirectory: The file at the fileURL provided is actually a directory.
    • bodyPartFileSizeNotAvailable: The size of the file at the fileURL provided was not returned by the system.
    • bodyPartFileSizeQueryFailedWithError: The attempt to find the size of the file at the fileURL provided threw an error.
    • bodyPartInputStreamCreationFailed: An InputStream could not be created for the provided fileURL.
    • outputStreamCreationFailed: An OutputStream could not be created when attempting to write the encoded data to disk.
    • outputStreamFileAlreadyExists: The encoded body data could not be writtent disk because a file already exists at the provided fileURL.
    • outputStreamURLInvalid: The fileURL provided for writing the encoded body data to disk is not a file URL.
    • outputStreamWriteFailed: The attempt to write the encoded body data to disk failed with an underlying error.
    • inputStreamReadFailed: The attempt to read an encoded body part InputStream failed with underlying system error.
    See more



    public enum MultipartEncodingFailureReason
  • The underlying reason the response validation error occurred.

    • dataFileNil: The data file containing the server response did not exist.
    • dataFileReadFailed: The data file containing the server response could not be read.
    • missingContentType: The response did not contain a Content-Type and the acceptableContentTypes provided did not contain wildcard type.
    • unacceptableContentType: The response Content-Type did not match any type in the provided acceptableContentTypes.
    • unacceptableStatusCode: The response status code was not acceptable.
    See more



    public enum ResponseValidationFailureReason
  • The underlying reason the response serialization error occurred.

    • inputDataNil: The server response contained no data.
    • inputDataNilOrZeroLength: The server response contained no data or the data was zero length.
    • inputFileNil: The file containing the server response did not exist.
    • inputFileReadFailed: The file containing the server response could not be read.
    • stringSerializationFailed: String serialization failed using the provided String.Encoding.
    • jsonSerializationFailed: JSON serialization failed with an underlying system error.
    • propertyListSerializationFailed: Property list serialization failed with an underlying system error.
    See more



    public enum ResponseSerializationFailureReason
  • Declaration


    case invalidURL(url: URLConvertible)
  • Declaration


    case parameterEncodingFailed(reason: ParameterEncodingFailureReason)
  • Declaration


    case multipartEncodingFailed(reason: MultipartEncodingFailureReason)
  • Declaration


    case responseValidationFailed(reason: ResponseValidationFailureReason)
  • Declaration


    case responseSerializationFailed(reason: ResponseSerializationFailureReason)

Error Booleans

Convenience Properties

  • The URLConvertible associated with the error.



    public var urlConvertible: URLConvertible? { get }
  • url

    The URL associated with the error.



    public var url: URL? { get }
  • The Error returned by a system framework associated with a .parameterEncodingFailed, .multipartEncodingFailed or .responseSerializationFailed error.



    public var underlyingError: Error? { get }
  • The acceptable Content-Types of a .responseValidationFailed error.



    public var acceptableContentTypes: [String]? { get }
  • The response Content-Type of a .responseValidationFailed error.



    public var responseContentType: String? { get }
  • The response code of a .responseValidationFailed error.



    public var responseCode: Int? { get }
  • The String.Encoding associated with a failed .stringResponse() call.



    public var failedStringEncoding: String.Encoding? { get }

Error Descriptions

  • Declaration


    public var errorDescription: String? { get }